The CSTAR research group is recruiting Master's, PhD students for 2024-2026, and Postdoctoral researchers. Scholars from home or abroad are invited for academic exchanges and studies. We are also recruiting Undergraduate students who are interested in research projects. For more information, please feel free to contact us.


Recent news about CSTAR, including academic talks, academic visiting, conference attendance, activity organization, awards, and recent advances of members.

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The CSTAR group is led by Dr. Xiaoyuan Xie and Dr. Jifeng Xuan. Members include Dr. Jinfu Chen, Dr. Ting Gan, Dr. Xiangyang Jia, Dr. Peng Liang, and Dr. Qi Xin, as well as PhD, Master, and Bachelor students. CSTAR focuses on software quality, architecture, reliability, analysis, testing, and repair and related fields.

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We have published over 100 papers in many top-ranked international journal and conferences, including ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, ICSE, ESEC/FSE, ASE, ISSTA, etc.

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