Multi-Objective Configuration Sampling for Performance Ranking in Configurable Systems

Yongfeng Gu, Yuntianyi Chen, Xiangyang Jia, and Jifeng Xuan
School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

1. MoConfig approach

This page shows the basic information and experimental results of MoConfig. MoConfig is a multi-objective configuration sampling strategy which aims to balances the tradeoff between the measurement cost and the ranking accuracy in the performance ranking problem. MoConfig sees the cost and accuracy as the two objectives to optimize and uses a multi-objective optimization algorithm (NSGA-II) to generate non-dominated solutions, which determines which configurations should be sampled. The details of MoConfig are depicted in Fig.1.

Fig. 1. The detailed information in MoConfig appraoch.

2. Experimental Results

We design 3 research questions and evaluate our approach on 20 datasets.

Experimental Datasets

The basic information of 20 datasets
TABLE I. The basic information of 20 datasets
Dataset name# Options# Configurations
rs-6d-c3-obj1 6 3840
rs-6d-c3-obj2 6 3840
sol-6d-c2-obj1 6 2803
sol-6d-c2-obj2 6 2803
wc+rs-3d-c4-obj1 3 196
wc+rs-3d-c4-obj2 3 196
wc+sol-3d-c4-obj1 3 196
wc+sol-3d-c4-obj2 3 196
wc+wc-3d-c4-obj1 3 196
wc+wc-3d-c4-obj2 3 196
wc-3d-c4-obj1 3 756
wc-3d-c4-obj2 3 756
wc-5d-c5-obj1 5 1080
wc-5d-c5-obj2 5 1080
wc-6d-c1-obj1 6 2880
wc-6d-c1-obj2 6 2880
wc-c1-3d-c1-obj1 3 1343
wc-c1-3d-c1-obj2 3 1343
wc-c3-3d-c1-obj1 3 1512
wc-c3-3d-c1-obj2 3 1512

RQ1. Can MoConfig sample fewer configurations than therank-based approach in performance ranking?

The comparison of prediction results between the rank-based method and MoConfig.
TABLE II. The number of solutions, the average measurement cost and the average RD(10) of methods
Solutions Cost RD(10) Solutions Cost RD(10) Solutions Cost RD(10) Solutions Cost RD(10)
rs-6d-c3-obj1 50 544.12 27.82 6 134.00 18.33 100 474.73 12.04 1 93.00 13.00
rs-6d-c3-obj2 50 551.52 36.38 3 141.67 8.00 100 470.42 4.88 1 100.00 93.00
sol-6d-c2-obj1 50 406.02 35.44 4 70.25 9.00 100 344.46 3.32 2 48.50 7.00
sol-6d-c2-obj2 50 410.38 42.46 3 68.33 6.67 100 341.61 1.97 1 45.00 12.00
wc+rs-3d-c4-obj1 50 52.04 3.20 8 4.50 6.38 34 25.03 3.09 1 1.00 18.00
wc+rs-3d-c4-obj2 50 50.64 1.60 8 4.50 8.00 37 25.89 3.14 1 1.00 10.00
wc+sol-3d-c4-obj1 50 50.42 3.64 8 4.50 18.38 35 23.54 10.57 1 1.00 1.00
wc+sol-3d-c4-obj2 50 51.68 1.28 9 5.00 8.22 25 20.56 2.12 1 1.00 24.00
wc+wc-3d-c4-obj1 50 52.00 1.32 8 4.50 8.75 35 24.80 1.31 1 1.00 41.00
wc+wc-3d-c4-obj2 50 52.28 1.54 8 4.50 9.38 30 20.73 3.70 1 1.00 2.00
wc-3d-c4-obj1 50 130.52 5.12 17 10.35 29.94 91 92.80 1.59 1 1.00 16.00
wc-3d-c4-obj2 50 130.06 4.80 16 14.88 12.50 89 83.19 2.13 1 1.00 25.00
wc-5d-c5-obj1 50 175.92 23.04 7 6.00 46.71 100 126.61 3.64 1 1.00 119.00
wc-5d-c5-obj2 50 178.82 13.94 7 6.43 83.86 100 117.64 3.37 1 1.00 2.00
wc-6d-c1-obj1 50 421.78 52.70 3 66.67 29.00 100 346.36 11.28 1 45.00 25.00
wc-6d-c1-obj2 50 419.00 33.62 1 68.00 96.00 100 343.76 3.81 1 42.00 39.00
wc-c1-3d-c1-obj1 50 214.38 14.92 13 29.15 20.00 68 131.74 8.12 1 2.00 194.00
wc-c1-3d-c1-obj2 50 214.68 15.50 13 36.38 38.00 79 152.08 17.80 1 2.00 33.00
wc-c3-3d-c1-obj1 50 239.96 22.00 11 42.91 16.91 75 161.73 6.75 2 4.50 29.50
wc-c3-3d-c1-obj2 50 233.46 21.46 11 33.91 17.73 82 159.70 8.87 1 2.00 8.00
Non-dominated solutions and prediction results generated by MoConfig in each dataset.

1) rs-6d-c3-obj1

2) rs-6d-c3-obj2

3) sol-6d-c2-obj1

4) sol-6d-c2-obj2

5) wc+rs-3d-c4-obj1

6) wc+rs-3d-c4-obj2

7) wc+sol-3d-c4-obj1

8) wc+sol-3d-c4-obj2

9) wc+wc-3d-c4-obj1

10) wc+wc-3d-c4-obj2

11) wc-3d-c4-obj1

12) wc-3d-c4-obj2

13) wc-5d-c5-obj1

14) wc-5d-c5-obj2

15) wc-6d-c1-obj1

16) wc-6d-c1-obj2

17) wc-c1-3d-c1-obj1

18) wc-c1-3d-c1-obj2

19) wc-c3-3d-c1-obj1

20) wc-c3-3d-c1-obj2

RQ2. Which multi-objective optimization algorithm can beused in MoConfig?

Prediction results using different multi-objective optimization algorithms in each dataset.

1) rs-6d-c3-obj1

2) rs-6d-c3-obj2

3) sol-6d-c2-obj1

4) sol-6d-c2-obj2

5) wc+rs-3d-c4-obj1

6) wc+rs-3d-c4-obj2

7) wc+sol-3d-c4-obj1

8) wc+sol-3d-c4-obj2

9) wc+wc-3d-c4-obj1

10) wc+wc-3d-c4-obj2

11) wc-3d-c4-obj1

12) wc-3d-c4-obj2

13) wc-5d-c5-obj1

14) wc-5d-c5-obj2

15) wc-6d-c1-obj1

16) wc-6d-c1-obj2

17) wc-c1-3d-c1-obj1

18) wc-c1-3d-c1-obj2

19) wc-c3-3d-c1-obj1

20) wc-c3-3d-c1-obj2

RQ3. What is the time cost of MoConfig?

The time cost (in milliseconds) of MoConfig in each multi-objective combination.
TABLE III. The time cost of 20 datasets
Dataset nameENTROP-costvariance-costdensity-cost
rs-6d-c3-obj1 1143.2 2133.1 720.5
rs-6d-c3-obj2 1103.1 1647.1 701.7
sol-6d-c2-obj1 764.2 1536.8 477.6
sol-6d-c2-obj2 742.5 1311.7 461.1
wc+rs-3d-c4-obj1 90.6 271.7 44.1
wc+rs-3d-c4-obj2 105.3 231.9 46.3
wc+sol-3d-c4-obj1 89.2 240.2 43.0
wc+sol-3d-c4-obj2 93.8 197.1 43.0
wc+wc-3d-c4-obj1 116.2 204.8 48.2
wc+wc-3d-c4-obj2 96.9 178.3 41.7
wc-3d-c4-obj1 263.6 807.7 89.8
wc-3d-c4-obj2 242.4 743.5 83.3
wc-5d-c5-obj1 231.8 911.9 135.8
wc-5d-c5-obj2 241.1 1258.0 140.4
wc-6d-c1-obj1 758.1 1650.5 474.3
wc-6d-c1-obj2 766.2 1474.0 473.3
wc-c1-3d-c1-obj1 417.5 803.1 158.0
wc-c1-3d-c1-obj2 390.8 839.5 154.6
wc-c3-3d-c1-obj1 450.0 811.7 185.9
wc-c3-3d-c1-obj2 443.7 798.6 175.0
AVE 413.4 871.1 225.9

If you have any question about our work, please contact Yongfeng Gu, or Jifeng Xuan, Wuhan University.